LTC News Release: Survey of HCBS Providers Related to Retention and Other Workforce Issues.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 25, 2022 On September 30, the Department of Health Care Finance (DCHF) published three separate notices that outline its approach to paying out more than $17 million in ARPA funds for direct care worker retention, recruitment, conversion and vaccine bonus payments. Due to the approach taken by DHCF, the DC Coalition[…]

LTC News Release: District Seniors and People with Disabilities Face Reduced Access to Care Due to Shortages of Direct Care Staff

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 13, 2022   District Seniors and People with Disabilities Face Reduced Access to Care Due to Shortages of Direct Care Staff A new survey of providers who serve DC seniors and people with developmental disabilities in home and community-based settings highlights unprecedented staffing shortages that are already reducing access to care[…]