Get Involved

The DC Coalition of Long Term Care is always looking for new organizations as well as new advocates. No matter where their location is they can be a part of the march for improved long-term care programs and other relevant health care services. Senior citizens and physically disabled should have a voice in how they are treated and we support this idea. We agree that strength comes in numbers so we would love to see you become affiliated. If you are interested here is just a small list of actions an advocate may do on a daily basis: 

  • Share experiences, resources, concerns, and questions with everyone inside the coalition and outside
  • Participate in meetings with community organizations and DC officials. Having your voice for yourself and others be heard
  • Testify at DC Council hearings for the program you support and become apart of others
  • Write to DC officials about issues and concerns that you believe has a major impact on the people of the District


Contact LTC Coalition Coordinator: Luis Chavez, LTC Coordinator 
